Movie Review
Title: Inception
In an attempt to give this page the same intrigue and dimension as this reality-bending and lucid dream-like movie had flaunted, I kept to that same visual style by creating a little symmetry (reality stage) and juxtaposition (dreamy stage), which also paralleled the movie's story line and plot.
Role: Concept, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution
Movie Preview
Title: Oscar outlook
In homage to the late Heath Ledger and his amazing portrayal of the sadistically funny Joker, I decided to make a little comedic gesture of my own in this design. I placed an Oscar statue within the playing card with some handwritten ramblings like, “Will I Win?” along with a few signature “Ha, Ha’s”, in red ink for good measure. The eerie yet compelling mood of this design not only has a little humor but also has the other nominated movies lurking in the background.
Role: Concept, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution
Movie Review
Title: The wild things are here
Supplied with a few very interesting images for this movie page, I was tempted to go over the top but I edited it down. I wanted to capture the essence of the film and the same look of the original book illustrated by Maurice Sendak. This clean and simple layout gives a earthy photograph a little pop while still keeping the page pleasant with a fairy tale feel. The one column read helps give more room for a larger photo.
Role: Concept, sketch, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution