Healthy Mind Section
Title: Nurturing the mature mind
This single-page opener and two-page spread illustration is a window into the mind of a mature figure. The idea here was to do something artsy and graphic to create a bit of stylized theater. A farmer in overalls is tending to his deteriorating garden of small trees which represents his mind and is symbolic of the main point of the story. He's taking simple steps to maintain a healthy brain.
Role: Concept, sketch, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution
Healthy Finance Section
Title: Are you being financially bullied?
The Better Business Bureau receives more complaints from customers who have been used, abused, or even bullied into paying fees they weren't warned about by their banks or financial institutions. The black eye on Washington is symbolic of a bullied and beat up customer base.
Role: Concept, sketch, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution
Healthy Mind Section
Title: Never forget… learn - 9/11 and Pearl Harbor
One of my personal favorite concepts. The use of black smoke to create a very eerie and dark, cloud-like effect that looms over these two major tragedies in American history tied them together well in a small space as a linear timeline.
Role: Concept, sketch, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution
Healthy Finance Section
Title: "Too good to be true?… then maybe it is"
In my attempt to help the reader through this long read about internet scams and how thieves use electronic platforms to steal money, I used an iPad with very sticky fingers to steal small nuggets from the story to complete the electronic invasion idea of the story. The breaks in text help give a little breath to the huge blocks of editorial.
Role: Concept, sketch, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution
Healthy Mind Section
Title: Caught in cyberspace
The evidence in this eye-opening story uncovers a huge dilemma in this country: internet addiction. Unfortunately, there isn't much hope in site—enter the illustration. The role of the character inside the computer, iPads, and iPhones show a desperate and caged victim who has been trapped by addiction. Most internet users can relate to the pop-up windows, alluring advertisements, and provocative models, but this design and story gives the reader a bold look into the reality of becoming tangled in the world wide web.
Role: Concept, sketch, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution
Style Magazine Event Feature
Title: Man up 'n shop
The story states that typically men have a difficult time shopping for others but not for themselves. This Father's Day "mantique" shopping theme at an antique mall is featured in this story and has created quite a unique interest to men. This concept illustrates that men, if there is something that piques their interest, can shop as much as women can.
Role: Concept, sketch, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution
Medical Mysteries Department
Title: Do carrots help me see better at night?
This was a simple concept that married the carrot as a flashlight to communicate better vision.
Role: Concept, sketch, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution
Healthy Spirit Section
Title: You want me to do what?
A flying cow? Really? Who can say they have been able to use a flying cow in a conceptual illustration? (Okay, there might be a few out there.) In a nutshell, unaffected by tornado warnings from the writer's life in Tornado Alley as a boy, now living in a tornado desolate town in Florida, has taught him a tornado is a serious event not to be taken lightly. His own self-scrutiny is his influence to write about making wiser decisions no matter the size of the situation. The storm is center of the figure while the failure to heed the advice of the tornado warning is paired with his reluctancy to face the issues from his neglectful attitude. In this case he gets a glimpse of a flying cow. (You simply can't look away from that.)
Role: Concept, sketch, InDesign layout, and Photoshop execution